November 2015 Newsletter

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Bentley Got His Mom Back

Bentley needs his mother, as any three-year-old does. There is just no perfect substitution for a little boy’s mom. We are designed that way. So restoring families is the best option, when those relationships are healthy and nurturing. When a supportive environment can be provided, both child and mother can thrive. But when the parent cannot provide that surrounding, the child suffers.

Bentley’s mom is Kayna. She said the problem started with the pain of a kidney stone. Her doctor prescribed pain medication. “Wow, I really like this. I could do this all the time,” she said. “I don’t feel any pain. I was happy, this is great.” Reflecting back now, she said the pills seemed to cover emotional pain and depression that she had been hiding for years. When the first prescription ran out, Kayna said, “I went doctor shopping for more pills, and would buy them from people off the street.” In time, desperation led her to burglary to steal pills out of people’s homes. And the pills became a gateway to even harder drugs. Kayna went to jail; Bentley’s mom was gone. So, he went to live with his grandma.

Bentley’s mom was gone. So, he went to live with his grandma.

When his mom was released from custody, she went to the Mission’s Samaritan Inn, alone. She got a job as a housekeeper at a motel. After four months, she was ready to move out with a friend. Bentley was still at grandma’s house. That arrangement worked for three months, until a time during a visit to his mom, well, he acted like a three-year-old does. Mom was back at Samaritan Inn; the friend did not want the antics of a small child around her. Just as mom was ready to be mom again, her living plan fell apart. Shortly after that, Samaritan Inn moved to its new location. Kayna said, “I felt a lot more comfortable bringing him here than the other place. It’s kid friendly, more room, more things available, bigger bed rooms, living rooms, homier for the kids. I love the security with the gate locked at night. Myself, child and car are safer. The location is closer to our doctors, grocery store. I can walk to work. There’s a lot more room when we eat. There is more separation from the single women.” It was the improved environment of the New Samaritan Inn that helped to restore this family.

Bentley roared like a lion, that is, in a children’s chapel play about Noah’s ark. Volunteers now have more room to hold a separate chapel for moms and their small, active children. Kayna said “I am so much closer to God; chapel is one of my favorite things here.” Mom and son are attending a local church and even went on a church picnic together recently. Bentley got his mom back!

Categories Newsletter | Tags: | Posted on November 1, 2015

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